Kite surf course
February 28, 2017
Famara surf
May 17, 2017

surf skate

How to surf on land

Not everyone is lucky enough to have waves every day and we know that to prepare we have to train a lot out of the water! Swimming, streching, cycling, martial arts, dance, yoga, indo board ... are a great help!

For some years there is also a boom of surfing skate thanks to new surf skates models that helps us to do and repeat the correct movements of the surfboard!

It will not be as risky as skating down slopes (too fast), vertical ramps are not needed (the risk of getting hurt is high), but simply a nice smooth platform is enough to make the curves and create the right speed without the help of the push of the feet!

El surf skate creates speed 'thanks to the movement of the hips and legs: the same you need to slide the surfboard! We will have the opportunity to make the correct movements with the arms and to repeat with the head ... If we do things well and we do not lose the concentration to lose control or to do us damage will be 'unlikely!

10/15 minutes are enough to burn your legs ... enjoy!

Rent your skate in Famara here.